china sea restaurant
china sea chinese restaurant glasgow

China Sea Restaurant's Great Value Xmas Menus 2024

***Click the text links below to download Christmas Menus***

What have you planned for your Christmas night out with your friends and family or with your colleagues this December?

China Sea is just the perfect Chinese Restaurant for this special seasonal gathering with colleagues, friends and family. Below are 3 special Christmas menus for this special occasion to enjoy the last month of the year.

The Christmas Party menu is absolutely ideal for a night out with your friends and colleagues. It will be served from 1st December upto the 24th December, it is a 3 course menu very reasonably priced.

Only £34.50 per person.

Well for those who don't want to make dinner on Christmas Day, there's always our lowest priced Christmas Dinner menu, and for children of age 12 or under, in Glasgow town centre. If you have a large family then why not take a visit to China Sea Restaurant and book a table for Christmas Day Now!

There are only 2 seatings on Christmas Day: -

First seating: 2pm

*Please note that First Seating customers must return their tables to us by 4.45pm*

Second seating: 5pm

Only £47.50 per person.

Book Your Table for Christmas Now to Avoid Disappointment!